Who can Register a .gov.uk Domain?
The .gov.uk domain is the official domain extension for all UK government websites and email addresses.
It is strictly regulated to ensure it can only used by eligible government organisations thus giving credibility and reassurance to users that they are accessing/communicating with an authentic government resource.

Eligibility Criteria to Register a .gov.uk Domain
Unlike most domain types, the .gov.uk is only available to a small range of organisations so before applying for a .gov.uk domain, you must ensure your organisation meets the eligibility criteria.
.gov.uk domains are generally available to:
- central government departments or agencies
- non-departmental bodies - also known as an arm’s length body
- parish, town or community councils
- district, borough, city or county councils
- fire services
- combined or unitary authorities
- police and crime commissioners
- joint authorities
- joint committees
- partnership bodies
- organisations representing a group of public sector bodies
- organisations representing a profession across public sector bodies
If you are unsure about your organisations’ eligibility, we recommend reviewing the official guidelines provided by the UK government.
.gov.uk Domain Registration Process
There are a number of steps that need to be completed in order to register a .gov.uk domain, which are detailed on the following page:- https://www.gov.uk/apply-for-and-manage-a-gov-uk-domain-name.
Only approved .gov.uk Domain Registrars can actually submit the application. Please ensure you have all of the information required which includes:-
- the name of the person registering the domain (registrant)
- your organisation name
- your existing contact details, so we can help identify that you work in the public sector
- your role and role-based email you want published in the online registry
If you are applying from a central government organisation or arm’s length body you will also be asked to provide:
- proof you have permission to apply for a .gov.uk domain name
- proof you have an exemption from using the GOV.UK website
All of this information should be emailed to domainadmin@host-it.co.uk
The current price to register a .gov.uk domain with Host-IT is £139.90 ex vat for a 2 year registration period which includes use of our nameservers/dns (if required). This will need to be ordered and paid for via our Online Portal:- https://portal.host-it.co.uk/cart.php?a=add&domain=register and this can then be used for ongoing domain management and renewals. All registrations and renewals are subject to our standard terms and conditions plus some additional terms and conditions for .gov.uk domains – all of which can be found on the following page of our website:- https://www.host-it.co.uk/legal/domain-registration-terms
Upon receipt of payment and all of the required registrant information and eligibility proof, the application will be submitted. ALL applications manually vetted by the Central Digital and Data Office (CDDO) with acceptance decisions taking up to 5 working days, the outcome of which you will be notified of.
You will be informed of the decision and if accepted, the domain will then be available for you to use within 24 hours.
Transfer existing .gov.uk domain
If you are looking to transfer your existing .gov.uk domain name from another Domain Registrar then please email domainadmin@host-it.co.uk for further information.
Need Help?
If you need help, advice or our assistance in registering or transferring a .gov.uk domain name then please Contact Us

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